3 Ways to Reverse Hair Loss Due to Stress
Stress is a big trigger when it comes to hair loss! But the good news is that stress-induced hair loss is usually only temporary in most cases.
The scientific name for stress-induced hair loss is called Telogen effluvium. The sources of stress that can lead to this condition includes the following:
Emotional stress
Significant weight loss

Fortunately, if the hair loss is strictly due to stress, complete recovery often occurs after several months to a year.
If you've been affected by hair loss from stress, there are some important steps you can take to help your hair grow back healthy.
1. Diet
A healthy balanced diet is important for your overall health-including your hair! Starvation, crash dieting, and malnutrition are some of the causes of telogen effluvium.
Start including the following food in your daily diet:
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Lean protein
2. Supplements
Hair loss can be caused by certain nutritional deficiencies, these include:
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
3. Manage Your Stress
How you handle stress has an impact on hair loss. If you go through a stressful life event and experience hair loss seek medical help. You could have further hair loss if the underlying issue isn't dealt with.
Why not try some stress management techniques that you can do in the comfort of your own home, try the following:
Yoga / Pilates
Deep breathing
Spending time outdoors
Counselling or therapy
Most stress-induced hair loss is only temporary, but you have to make sure that you address the symptoms of hair loss sooner rather than later - this way you're more likely to prevent irreversible damage.