Hair Loss: Hair Systems For Hair Loss
Hair loss is an emotional roller-coaster, whether it is due to alopecia, trauma, chemical damage, genetic thinning or chemotherapy treatment. We express ourselves through our hair, whether it is a colourful mane or style, or simply adding hair extensions to create our 'look'.
So when you are faced with hair loss it can be such a self esteem knocker. I specialise in hair loss and I see clients daily with these issues.

Ladies there is a solution! There is always a solution to everything that we are faced with, and this is where I come in like a knight in shining armour.
There are plenty of different forms of alopecia - whether it is temporary or unfortunately a permanent type.
As we age our hair can also slow down in the growing process and we are left with finer hair, the texture of your hair can also change.
Chemical treatments can also cause damage if not cared for correctly.
Chemotherapy and medications can cause hair loss
Stress or trauma can cause temp hair loss
Thankfully the hair industry has come a far way to help disguise hair loss issues and make women find solutions for their hair loss issues, and this is something I am continuously on top of, always making sure that I have the latest training and qualifications available for my clients.
Clip In Hair Piece
These are typically toppers with clips attached, so that you can add the hair piece as and when desired to the halo section of your hair.
Glued In Hair Piece
This method is great for client's who have bald patches on their head - you will need to maintain the area where the hair pieces are attached with glue or tape.
Integrated Hair Loss Mesh System
This system uses mesh that integrates your own hair with the hair piece to keep it secured and attached to your head. Regular maintenance appointments are needed to keep the system tight to your head.
Traditional Hair Extension Methods
This method is great if you have fine hair - nano beads, tapes or fine weft is generally the best method.
*All methods should be fitted by a qualified specialist to ensure that there is no damage!
Just like any hair and beauty service you NEED to make sure that you are following the correct aftercare and if maintenance is required you need to make sure that you are seeing the specialist regularly to prevent any damage to your own hair.
Alternatively you can find a good wig supplier and experiment with various wigs. Ideally choose wigs that are made from real human hair to get the most natural look. Also consider having them blended to suit your face shape.